

Breakfast in honour of the President of the Philippines

6th December 2007

A breakfast forum was held on 6th December at the Dorchester Hotel in honour of The President of The Philippines and Ministers. Mr Rupert Goodman and Lord Hurd of Westwell CH CBE were the hosts.

Among those present were:

HE Mr Edgardo B Espiritu, Philippine Ambassador
Hon Alberto G Romulo, Secretary, Department of Foreign Affairs
Hon Peter Favila, Secretary, Department of Trade & Industry
Hon Margarito Teves, Secretary, Department of Finance
Hon Amando Tetangco Jr, Governor, Central Bank of the Philippines
Jonathan Beardsworth, Chief Executive Officer, Metals Exploration Plc
Dr Daniel Vasella, Chairman and CEO, Novartis International
Sir David Brewer CMG, Director, International Financial Services London
Peter Sutherland KCMG, Chairman, Goldman Sachs International and BP
Tim L’Eestrange, Managing Director, ANZ Banking Group

and other business leaders.