Official Publication of the World Energy Council
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2011: A year of change for the Energy Industry?
Pierre Gadonniex
Chairman, World Energy Council
What keeps us awake at night?
Dr Christoph Frei
Secretary General, World Energy Council
Ensuring energy security in times of uncertainty
Maria van der Hoeven
Executive Director, International Energy Agency
Energy security: the supply side of the equation
Abdalla Salem El-Badri
Secretary General, OPEC
Bridging the gaps: What would constitute success at Durban?
Christiana Figueres
Executive Secretary, UN Framework Convention on Climate Change
Green Goods: Opportunities for climate change mitigation and trade
Pascal Lamy
Director-General, World Trade Organisation
From consolidation of conventional energies to the promotion of renewables
Youcef Yousfi
Minister of Energy and Mining, Algeria
Reform of the energy markets to meet the CO₂ challenge
Chris Huhne
Secretary of State for Energy and Climate Change, UK
Powering up the South through energy poverty alleviation
Suleiman J Al-Herbish
Director General, OPEC Fund for International Development
Delivering sustainability through effective policy
Joan MacNaughton
Senior Vice President for Power and Environmental Policies, Alstom
Smart grids: bridging the knowledge gap
Michael Valocchi
Global Energy and Utilities Leader, IBM Global Business Solutions
Japan"s Energy Policy – Pre and Post Fukushima
Jun Arima
Director General, JETRO (Japan External Trade Organisation), London
Global Energy Scenarios to 2050
Karl Rose
Senior Fellow, Scenarios, World Energy Council
Carbon capture utilisation and storage: An evolving approach to mitigating climate change
Barbara McKee
Chair, World Energy Council Cleaner Fossil Fuel Systems Committee
Fukushima and the future of nuclear energy
Alessandro Clerici
Chair of the WEC Nuclear Task force and Senior Advisor to the President, ABB (Italy)
Energy efficiency: potential in oil and gas
Elena Nekhaev
Director of Programmes, World Energy Council
Global Transport 2050: Shifting patterns
Ayed Al-Qahtani
Senior Project Manager, Energy Scenarios, World Energy Council
Tapping into the potential of hydropower to reduce greenhouse gas emissions
Thierry Vandal
President and Chief Executive Officer, Hydro-Québec
Making the Green Revolution work
Younghoon David Kim
Vice Chair, Asia-Pacific and South Asia, World Energy Council
A capability-based strategy following local market demands
Frank Mastiaux
CEO, International Energy, E.ON, Germany
Clean energy to keep Latin America competitive
Juan Araluce y Martinez de Azagra
President, Vestas International
Setting new benchmarks in efficiency enhancement
Dr Michael Süss
CEO, Siemens Energy
Outcomes of the 2011 World Energy Leaders" Summit, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Seijin Kim
Senior Fellow, Global Agenda, World Energy Council
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