Official Publication of the World Energy Council to mark the 21st World Energy Congress
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Managing the energy transition to a sustainable future
Pierre Gadonneix
Chairman, World Energy Council and Honorary Chairman, Electricité de France (EDF)
The World Energy Council: meeting global energy challenges
Dr Christoph Frei
Secretary General, World Energy Council
Investment needs for universal access to electricity and clean cooking fuels
Nobuo Tanaka
Executive Director, International Energy Agency
Global markets feel the force of North America"s "shale gas"
Dr Daniel Yergin
Chairman, IHS Cambridge Energy Research Associates (IHS CERA)
Energy for all: delivering on the promise of universal access
Dr Kandeh Yumkella and Morgan Bazilian
Director General and Special Advisor, respectively, United Nations Industrial Development Organisation (UNIDO)
Towards a strategic approach for energy at the World Trade Organisation
Pascal Lamy
Director-General World Trade Organisation
Time to get real: why we need a serious energy framework in Europe
Dr Johannes Teyssen
Vice-Chairman, Europe, World Energy Council and Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, E.ON AG
Oil shale - the unconventional which will become conventional
Sandor Liive
Chairman, Eesti Energia
Entering a new age of electricity
Wolfgang Dehen
Chief Executive Officer, Energy Sector and Member of the Managing Board, Siemens AG
The great disconnect on energy policy
Chris Kearney
Chairman, President and Chief Executive Officer, SPX Corporation
Québec hydropower: the largest source of renewable energy in the North American market
Thierry Vandal
President and Chief Executive Officer, Hydro-Québec
Energy sustainability: the new rules
John Drzik
Chief Executive Officer, Oliver Wyman Group
Energy trends: facts and priorities
Elena Nekhaev
Director of Programmes, World Energy Council
The outlook for carbon capture and storage
Barbara McKee
Chair, World Energy Council Cleaner Fossil Fuel Systems Committee
Scenario Planning - turning critical uncertainties into strategies for the future
Karl Rose
Senior Fellow, Scenarios, World Energy Council
Energy innovation and urban growth
Robert Schock
Director of Studies, World Energy Council
Including energy in the rules of trade and investment
22nd WEC Survey of Energy Resources
The water-energy nexus: a hot topic for the Middle East
Dr Hisham Khatib
Honorary Vice Chairman, World Energy Council
R&D and innovation in South Africa to meet energy challenges
Mpho Makwana
Chairman, Eskom Holdings
How South Korea is positioning itself for the Nuclear Renaissance
Ssang-su Kim
President & Chief Executive Officer, Korea Electric Power Corporation (KEPCO)
Nuclear power: the Japanese experience
Sakae Muto
Chief Nuclear Officer and Executive Vice President, Tokyo Electric power Company (TEPCO)
Connecting the continent: creating a pathway to low-carbon growth for Africa
Hela Cheikhrouhou
Director for Energy, Environment and Climate Change, African Development Bank (AfDB)
Urbanisation, megacities, and energy poverty in Latin America
José Antonio Vargas Lleras
Chairman of the Colombian Committee, WEC and Chairman of the Board, Codensa
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